
Volleyball season

– Written by Beth Pearce –

After a long few weeks of basketball games, the tournament has officially come to an end. The third and final sport being played this year at GDQ is volleyball, which begins in a few weeks. Practices on Monday and Wednesday have already started, and a tremendous number of students and home schoolers have signed up to play.

The idea of volleyball starting up has many excited. The boys and girls teams will each go head-to-head in matches against five other school teams, including teams from Memorial International School of Tirana, Tirana International School, Protagonist, Ernest Koliqi, and University of New York Tirana high school.

Due to the amount of people wanting to join the team, Miss Neuman and Miss Leonard have arranged try outs this coming Wednesday, for people interested in making the top six team.

The current champions are the EK teams, however GDQ is determined to take that title away from them this season. With the six teams partaking this year, this could play out to be a challenge.

I spoke to a few of the people on the team, and asked them what they felt about the upcoming games, and also what they were most looking forward to in the season.

“I’m psyched and very excited. We are hopefully going to kick their behinds!” Mia Vogeli stated with enthusiasm.

“I am very excited!” said Rachael Schoch. “I look forward to not letting EK win…if that works out!”

Israel Kim also stated, “I really look forward playing as a team and having fun even though we might lose.” He added, “I am very excited to play.”

I then spoke to Aaron Doci, a 10th grader at GDQ who is not partaking in the volleyball this year. I asked him what his thoughts were about the team and how they might do this year. “I think our school does well in groups like that, and I think many will enjoy it,” he said. “The team will be able to thrive in a hard working environment and show good skills on the court.”

Overall, the excitement for this volleyball season is rising, and the team members are looking forward to playing against the other teams. Other students look forward to seeing how the team works together and also the outcome of the games.

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